Wholesale Catalogs
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When you're ready to dive in to create an order keep reading below. Note: Check here for the latest Terms & Conditions before placing an order.
ixöq Catalogs
If this is your first visit we recommend viewing our catalog so you can get a feel for all of our products, designs & color selections, & prices (WSP & MSRP). It is easy to scroll through everything and see some samples of color/design combinations. And we've marked the best sellers & new designs & colors but always remember that any design can be done in any size or color(s). We are all about creating a collection that meets your aesthetic & needs.
You can scroll thru the Full Catalog pages HERE or download the catalog pdfs using these links:
FULL Catalog
CESTA catalog
Or the links below:
Cesta totes catalog
Are you mainly interested in our cesta totes? We have a very extensive selection of designs & colors in three sizes of cesta. Every design you see in the CESTA CATALOG can be made using any of the 30 available COLORS!
Boxi catalog ~ storage
Our storage containers come in a variety of shapes & sizes. Our most popular is the nested set of cylindrical containers (similar to the planter set but with lids!). In addition we have three additional sizes of storage containers, including a handy storage basket. They are all very sturdy, very colorful & very handy to have around. See the BOXI STORAGE CATALOG for some storage container ideas!
Planters have been our canvas upon which to play with different designs & colors so we've got a lot of combinations to share & many more opportunities to create some new ones. And these are so popular!! They also are useful storage containers for a lot more than just plants.
Our planters come in a set of 3 sizes (Small: 4" diameter; Medium: 5" diameter; Large: 6" diameter) and in 8" (XL) & 10" (XXL) options, which are sold separately from the sets. Have a look & if it's all too overwhelming tell us the colors you like & we'll come up with a fun collection for you! The storage container catalog is full of many ideas.

color selection
The best thing is that any of the products you've seen can be created in any of these colors!

Below are our multi-color combinations.

line sheet
order process

Please check here for the latest Terms & Conditions before placing an order. By placing a wholesale order you guarantee that you are making a purchase for re-sale and not for personal use.